Frequently Asked Questions

This is a non exhaustive list of the questions that you may have or would like to ask us… Do not hesitate to write to us for any other queries!

Frequently Asked Questions

This is a non exhaustive list of the questions that you may have or would like to ask us… Do not hesitate to write to us for any other queries!

I have got an innovative idea I would like to discuss with you: how can I contact you?

Wonderful! Here are two ways of contacting us. If yours is still a mere idea, we suggest you make an appointment with the Expert on the area of interest you believe it belongs to (Welfare, Claims, Payments/Fintech, Mobility, Al/Machine Learning, Blockchain, Innovability, IT) and have a chat with a specialist who will help you to better delineate it.

If you already have clear ideas or simply prefer to write rather than talk, fill out this form.

How can your Experts and Researchers help me?

Our team will help you focus your idea or envisage opportunities for collaboration, by trying together to answer questions such as:

  • Are there competitors yet?
  • What about the main players involved in your project, the potential targets, the supporting technologies?
  • Is your idea capable of having an impact on the market or converting into a product?

How long does it take to get a reply from you?

The fastest way to get feedback is to book an appointment with one of our Specialists.
If instead you prefer to contact us via email and/or submit your project through the dedicated form, we promise that we will take only the time needed for our evaluations and we will let you know as soon as possible.

Why should I submit my idea to you? What if you steal it?

Who do you think we are? Seriously, you are right being jealous of your idea, but sometimes, in order to launch a project , you need to share it and throw your heart over the fence. We are here to catch it and give you our support as Experts who can rely on a large, almost 200 year old, insurance and banking Group that could have means and reasons to invest on you.

Are you a Startups incubator?

Not exactly! Reale Lab 1828 is an innovation workshop created by the Reale Group and devoted to exploring the most relevant strategies for the future of the insurance business and its related services. We attentively evaluate any collaboration and partnership opportunities , in the logic of open innovation and constant dialogue with all the sector stakeholders, but we are not the right place to launch your Startup. Conversely, if your startup is already in operation, do not hesitate to contact us in order to consider if and how we may work together.

I have downloaded your form to send my project: what the Innovation Meter is?

The innovation meter is an evaluation scale of the your idea’s innovativeness based on the 10 elements of the business it affects or it is meant to transform (Profit Model, Network, Framework, Procedures, Product Performances, Complementary Products and Services, Customer Service, Sale Network, Brand, Customer Engagement).
This method has been devised by Doblin and it assumes that the first cause of innovation failure is more often than not the total focus on the final product. Quite the contrary, winning innovations are the ones able to operate with the right mix of ingredients and to impact more levels (i.e. : the self-driving car launched by Tesla, according to this analysis, impacts 8 out of 10 types of given innovations).

And what the Lean Model Canvas is instead?

The Lean Model Canvas is a useful intuitive instrument that allows those who develop a project to bring one’s idea into focus. How many times have you illustrated your idea to somebody and you have been told: “I do not understand”, “everything still looks very confusing to me”, “I do not see the idea’s originality, I have seen many similar ones.”?
The Lean Model Canvas helps you to delineate and complete the 9 sections into which it is essential to be able to break up your idea reasoning. It is also perfect for not only strictly business projects (cultural, social, artistic) because it allows to promptly identify the necessary information and make them actually feasible, not only understand their abstract value.

I am looking for a job: can I send my CV to you?

For now “good luck” with your search! Reale Lab 1828 is Reale Group ‘s innovation workshop. Why don’t you try to send your application to one of the Group’s Companies? You will find all the vacancies here.

I am planning an event which might interest you. Would you like to come?

Why not? Thanks for thinking of us!
Please email us the event details (date, time, place, theme) to and, based on our team’s availability, we advise whether we will attend. 

What are the projects you deal with?

That’s a good question! Our team is composed by Innovation Specialists, one for each area we think may be crucial for the future of our business (Welfare, Claims, Payments/Fintech, Mobility, Al/Machine Learning, Sharing Economy, IOT/Blockchain, PMI) and Researchers in the Information&Communication Technologies field. Each of them evaluates initiatives and ideas pertaining his/her own area of expertise, with the aim of converting them into real projects.

Do you teach courses I could attend?

As Albert Einstein said: ” Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school”. What does it mean? It means that we ourselves, since we rushed headlong into this experience, we gave up the traditional training and learning concepts and understood that you learn by doing things and more from your mistakes than from your victories. In other words: “If you aren’t making some mistakes, then you aren’t taking enough chances” (John Sculley). We don’t teach courses because we ourselves want to learn constantly something new. That’s why we always keep ourselves up to date on current trends, new technologies, new business models and methodologies to develop them. All that by putting dialogue, relationships and sharing ideas first.

How can I follow your activities and stay up to date?

The easiest way to stay up to date on our activities is to follow our blog where you will find all the news about the events we take part in, the ideas we are working on, new friends and partners with whom we are in touch.

I am not working yet, I am a student. May I contact you anyway?

Sure! Actually, the fact you are young and with an open mind which has not yet been restricted within preconceived models, the same models we ourselves have being trying to stay away from, makes you the ideal partner to work with.

Shall we have a coffee?